This little piece of fabric retails for $15, and is called a "bathmat." It's purported purpose is to have something to stand on when you get out of the shower. Apparently the bathroom rug is insufficient, so we now have one of these. This little piece of fabric causes much stress in my life as I have to make sure to remove it from it's secret hiding place (draped over the tub, behind the shower curtain) before I turn on the shower so it doesn't become soaked with water. It is also important that I put this mat back in its hiding place after I shower.

Get a good look at these glass containers obtained from JoAnn Fabrics. They hold our cotton balls and QTips. Apparently the packaging they come in from the store are insufficient storage units. The QTip holder is especially annoying because I always fray the ends of the QTips when I try to grab them, resulting in moderate stabbings in my ear.

This is aptly named a "sham." For those not in the know, this is a pillow that lays on your bed that cannot be slept on. What purpose does a pillow on your bed you can't use for sleeping serve you might ask? Not sure. Even if you tried to lay your face on it, the beads and ruffles will char the side of your face, so don't even try. Added bonus: I get to remove these pillows every night before I fall asleep and put them back on when I get up.
Are there more coming my way that I don't know about?
1 comment:
This is the greatest post you've ever made. These things are all quite possibly the most necessary useless items I've ever purchased. Also, I'm excited to hear when you officially say that your house is 100% complete. What exactly is the 1% that at the current moment you're not willing to commit? It has to be something clearly identifiable.
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