Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dying Locations

I came across the following list of the top ten dying cities in America. Forbes analyzed and compiled this list. Cities in Ohio and Michigan take 6 of the top 10 spots in the survey, which is based on population flight and unemployment:

* Canton, Ohio
* Youngstown, Ohio
* Flint, Mich.
* Scranton, Pa.
* Dayton, Ohio
* Cleveland
* Springfield, Mass.
* Buffalo, NY
* Detroit
* Charleston, WV

This is pretty striking not only because Michigan and Ohio are the two places I've called home over the last 26 (soon to be 27) years, but because of how much these cities' respective economies are/were dependent on the combustible engine and thus oil.

Perhaps if Jim would pick it up at Dunder Mifflin, and Michael would stop doing so many idiotic things, Scranton wouldn't be suffering as much.

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