Thursday, February 26, 2009

Old Photos

One of the coolest things about Facebook is the way in which other people can upload photos and "tag" you in them so they show up in your profile. This process often takes the form of getting together with a bunch of friends who are on facebook, taking pictures at the event, and having them uploaded a few short hours later. But every once in a while, someone with a box of old photos and a scanner upload some old photos from way back when. Case in point: My first grade class photo, a picture from a first grade play, and the last day of school in the sixth grade.

A few things to note. One, my fashion sense has progressed only mildly. Second, my hairstyle has remained remarkably consistent over the years, too.

1 comment:

Mark said...

It was frighteningly easy to pick you out of that lineup of first-graders. You haven't changed... that much :)