Wednesday, February 04, 2009

25 Random Facts about Me

I posted this on my facebook account the other day, and thought it might be fun to post it here as well. Enjoy!

1. I have a brother who is currently in Afghanistan.

2. I just tried coffee for the first time in my life this morning. Overall it was a pleasant experience, although I went through a two-hour period where I felt like I wanted to eat my computer monitor because I had so much energy.

3. I once owned a Stone Cold Steve Austin T-Shirt.

4. I worked three years in an outlet toy store.

5. I use this one all the time when I have to share something fun about myself: I have no preference for food. I can tell they taste differently, but I don't like one thing more than another. I can order anything at a restaurant and have the exact same experience each time. It also means that I never "crave" a particular food.

6. I go back and forth in my mind about whether or not I would leave higher education if I could write for The Onion. I still think I would.

7. For a couple of years, I have been telling people that I wanted to invent a feature on email programs that would scan the body of an email for variations of the word "attach," and then prompt the sender after hitting "send" if nothing was attached to avoid sending emails out without attachments. I now see that GMAIL offers that feature.

8. I live with 52 women.

9. I have a pair of men's Ugg boots (they're more like shoes). I was ahead of the fashion curve (if you could call it that) on Crocs, and I'm hoping a small following will develop with men's Uggs.

10. I have a reoccurring dream (at least three times a month) where I'm back in high school and I can't remember my locker combination.

11. My ITunes library is over 11,000 songs.

12. I met my wife in our college's cafeteria (The Doan).

13. I've seen the hair metal band, Poison, in concert five times.

14. I don't like to fly that much, although I find myself doing so quite often.

15. The smell of dog poop nearly makes me vomit, even at the slightest whiff.

16. I learn a new vocabulary word each day. Today's is nubilous, which means vague.

17. I have a freakish memory for things like lyrics, content of books, journals, articles, and people's names, but am incredibly poor at remembering events in my life, directions, and grocery lists.

18. I have lived in a haunted house, and worked in a haunted building.

19. I am on the federal "do-not-fly" list -- not because I have committed any crime, but because my name is a common alias, or so says the TSA. I think this is part of the reason I dislike flying.

20. I can't get brain freeze. I don't even know what it is. In fact, when I see others get it, I think they look ridiculous because I can't empathize with them.

21. I absolutely despise shaving my face.

22. I have lived in five different states already.

23. I'm an incredibly observant person.

24. While I once harbored some conservative ideals, I now find myself drifting further left everyday, much to the liking of most of my friends.

25. Reading over this list, I realize how eternally grateful I am to have a wife who loves me and appreciates all of these personal oddities.

1 comment:

Kurt said...

#24 - not all of your friends!