College enrollment hit a record level of 18 million in fall 2007. That's almost double the population of the entire state of Michigan. This surge isn't expected to plateau until 2016.
There are 1.3 million faculty members employed in higher education. I hope I will be one of them soon.
During the 2007-2008 academic year, 1.5 million bachelor's degrees will be conferred, compared to 55,000 Ph.D.'s.
Faculty time was broken down by: 58% teaching, 20% research and scholarship, and 22% other (e.g., administration, professional growth).
The average faculty salary for males was $74,167. The average for females was a stunning $61,016.
There are 2,629 4 year degree colleges and universities.
Prices for undergraduate tuition, room, and board at public universities rose by 32 percent in the past ten years.
The most popular bachelor's degree was in business.
The most popular master's degree was in education.
The most popular Ph.D. was in Education.
By that logic, I am very popular. (Bachelors - Marketing, Masters - Education, Ph.D. - Education (hopefully) )