Have you ever lived in a place where someone is always eating your food without your consent? Maybe you have lived in a dorm, a fraternity house, share an office refrigerator with co-workers, or maybe your spouse just likes to steal your food. I'm sure you've tried various methods to curb the person(s) thievery -- hiding your items, putting your initials on them, writing angry warnings on them like "DO NOT EAT!!!" or threatening them with little success. Hiding something in a space that is no more than 20 cubic feet never works, putting your initials on them just lets the thief know who's food he/she is stealing, and simple warnings phase no one. If this has ever happened to you, today is your lucky day. I have the perfect solution.

When you have some leftovers or takeout that you don't want someone else to gobble up, write a date on the outside in plain sight that is about two weeks old. The person will be turned off enough to put it back where he/she got it from, but not quite disgusted enough to throw it away, as if it were 3 months ago.
For Use with Boxed Items
The date only works for leftovers and takeout because they don't have a date on them. When it comes to items in boxes (e.g., frozen pizzas, pizza rolls, mac n' cheese) you have to get a bit more creative. You'll still need your sharpie though. If you don't want someone to pilfer your pizza rolls write something on them like "for immediate sale - box damaged" or "discarded." This will will make your would-be-thief think twice.
I lived with no less than 40 roommates during my college career, so I had to become particularly clever about my food. Nobody likes to be at school all day dreaming of their leftover vegetable lo mein only to come home and find out that your roommate woke up from a bender and was "really hungry." This method is tried and true. Take my advice, and you'll never be sorry....
Wedding and Holiday Update
Ok, so I guess I should give a wedding and holiday update. Wedding is good - Erica looks like she's still going to go through with it, so that's a positive sign. Holidays were great as well - excellent food, great time with family and friends, and putting a close on an awesome year.
We once put laxitive into some ice team of mine b/c my roommate was always drinking it. We put too much in, and after a sip he wouldn't drink it (at least that batch). Nothing bad ever happened to him:(.
I know that's not a picture of your refrigerator because there aren't any Totino's pizza rolls!
Miss you MJ,
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