Sometimes I feel like I'm the Truman Show. You know the one where someone's life is being broadcast for all the world to see unbenounced to the person. Am I paranoid? No. My Truman Show is a bit different. It's not about relationships per se, it's about products. Call it a "Marketing Truman Show" if you will. Here's why:

There have been three products that hit the market in the last year that I have absolutely loved - in fact, I've been crazy about them. The first, and probably most prolific, is fresh spinach that comes in the easy container. I have always known salads were good for me, and I'd love to eat them, but I was never a big fan of iceberg lettuce. Introduce fresh spinach - uniform, stays fresh, tastes good. I loved it. I told numerous people about it. Just as soon as I develop an affinaty for it, boom. FDA recall. So long spinach. At least you're not Pluto.

Second product. As an unfortunate allergy sufferer (thanks Mom!) and a contact lens wearer, I always have dry eyes at some point in time. No contact solution, rewetting drops, or combination thereof seem to keep my lenses moist all day. That was until I found "MoistureLoc" by Renu. This was the product I had been waiting for (I can end a sentence in a preposition, so shush). This product was no rub, no hassle, no dryness. Amazing. I told countless people about this product as well. Turns out, Bausch & Lomb recall the entire product line because of eye infections and bacteria growth. Great. (side note: my former roommate knew of the recall a full two months before I did, and never told me about it.)
Third product. So, from time to time, my feet happen to smell. To combat this, I've used many products that you may find at your local grocery store, only to be disappointed. My fiance (girlfriend at the time) out of the good nature of her heart (or disgust...whichever) bought me some foot spray from True Blue Spa from Bath and Body works (where she used to be employed). I loved this stuff! No more foot odor, feet felt nice, worked all day! Gone. Discontinued. You can't even get the stuff on Ebay. In fact, this stuff is so elusive, that I couldn't even find a picture of it on the internet! Crazy.
In conclusion, if anyone knows something that I don't about these products, or why everything I like keeps getting taken away from me, please advice. Until then, keep on truckin'.
Looks like your bad technology "aura" is spreading to other areas of your life! I am also quite distressed over the spinach recalls - that stuff is what fed me all through grad school!! I love it! Sadness... :(
Whatever I can do to help--Mom
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