Then I had an epiphany the other day. Everyone in the world has had a crazy roommate - either someone you directly lived with, or someone/some people in your apartment complex that was just.... well... weird. Whether it's the guy who wears rec specs every day for the better part of two years, the man who eats pizza for every meal, or the roommate you had freshmen year who took pictures of you while you slept, hearing these stories are hysterical. And, there is no way to exchange such stories except when you and your friends gather. What if there was a way to read, listen to, and exchange these stories (complete with pictures, of course) in a digital format? Welcome to www.weirdroommates.com It shouldn't take me long to get something up there, so check back often.
In other news, here are some more interesting things I read today:
- 15% of the women who have given birth in the United States from 2000-2003 were not citizens.
- States in the Northeast have higher percentage of unmarried-partner households, teenage childbirths, and get married later in life (median age 29 for men, 26-27 for women)