We had a snow day here at the University of Maryland yesterday in light of the three inches of snow (laugh!) that fell on our great city. (And just like 10-year-old Malia Obama said it best when she said that back in the Midwest, not only would they have had school, but they would have still had outside recess... but I digress)
Having the afternoon off, I did what any graduate student would do, which was nothing. I ran some errands, took a nap, and even watched a little TV. I happened to catch an episode of The Family Feud, which was a childhood favorite of mine. (I suspect I'm not alone in this.) I believe that I would be deadly on this show, and am constantly amazed at how poorly people do on that show. Well, the show has been on for a remarkable 26 years now, and it's clear that they are just about out of questions to ask those hundred Americans as evidenced by the show I watched last night. Here was the second round question:
"Name an animal a turkey would imitate to avoid being eaten on Thanksgiving."
Go ahead and think about that one for a moment.
How is one supposed to answer that question?!?!? It doesn't make any sense. I think it's about time to hang (no pun intended, if you caught that reference) it up there on Family Feud if that's the level of questioning being asked. Sad to see such a great show sliding into trying to decipher animal thoughts on national television.
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