8:07 - Hillary Clinton looks remarkably upbeat for getting smoked in the last 11 straight primaries. The crowd seems very pro-Hillary tonight.
8:08 - Barack speaks for the first time. He sounds like he has a cold. Barack makes use of the first narrative for the night. Only to be followed up by another one, only this time he talks about the great(?) state of Ohio. Barack's baritone voice isn't going to last all night.
8:13 - First question out of the shoot is about Fidel Castro. Shoulda been you, Ameninajad.
8:16 - Barack invokes a JFK quote. I've watched him stump so many times I can almost finish his sentences. Barack would like to remind you that he has many parallels to JFK.
8:24 - The crowd is ruckus when the candidates talk about the economy. I doubt they need any help with finances and the economy. They probably just need to get it together, pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and have lower taxes. What's so hard about engaging in the free market?

8:36 - Border Fence time! Clinton, tell us about how you voted for the border fence. "Well, Barack voted for it, too!" Where's Ron Paul to talk some sense into spending billions on a wall that most people will find a way around?
8:45 - Our first break. Wow. Time to eat some leftovers.
8:51 - Hillary's first chance to jab (a few times in one vignette) at his "inexperience." Let's see what she does. Lame attempt. Off come the gloves from Barack. He nails her on his "inexperience" and says that statements like that attack his campaign. The roof is about to come off of that place. Total swing now for Obama.
9:00 - "Change you can Xerox." Nice one Billary. Watching Hillary makes me feel dirty.
9:17 - Hillary's attacks seem really lame tonight. Very tired. I wonder if that is the sense of the pundits tonight. We'll see, I guess.

9:19 - Obama says "Pakistan" weird. And "Taliban."
9:33 - Just noticed that Hillary is wearing black tonight. Must be mourning the death of her base, and thus her campaign.
9:36 - Hillary sidesteps the superdelegate question. Nice work. I guess when that's all you have to hang on to, it is worthwhile to continue to keep their support.
9:39 - Softball question to Obama here. Let's hope he knocks it out of the park.
9:40 - Hillary has "lived through some hardships in her life." One that comes to mind rhymes with Lonica Mewinsky.
On that note, I'm off to bed. Let's hope for no work tomorrow. Bad weather!
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