I'm probably like most Americans in that when commercials come on the radio or the tv, I usually tune them out. Our culture has become so bombarded with advertisements, that we have become oblivious to many of them. This forces those in advertising and marketing (I was once a marketing person!) to become more creative in how they deliver their messages to us. Some companies are putting their ads on eggs, others are turning to advertisements in the bathroom. Some use in-flight advertisements on napkins, others use those creative little games that come up as pop-ups on your computer screen.
And some, well, they just bombard you with advertisements in the conventional way.

Take for instance, Chevy's new ad campaign, which features a washed up, leftist, pompous, John Mellencamp ever so annoyingly reminding us that "this is our country." I remember watching the World Series when this commercial began, and thinking, "Wow, this could get annoying very fast." And it did. Not only did the commercial run
4 times as much as any other commercial in the World Series time slots , it's trickled over into every other tv programming area. It's out of control.
Usually when I become overly irritated by an advertisement, I boycott the product and try my best to persuade others to do so. In this instance, I can't. My father works for General Motors, so I can't boycott them. I also happen to drive a GM vehicle. So does Erica.

I'm not sure what I'm more upset about. The fact that the song is so outright annoying and impossible to shake from your memory, or the fact that John Mellencamp is trying to restore patriotism in the country. I don't know what I'm going to do.
Maybe I should quit being so mad when this song comes on, and applaud Chevy's innovative marketing strategy. I wonder if this would work. As I consult my magic 8 ball widget on my mac for an answer, it says "outlook doubtful."
At least it didn't say "Yes. This is your country."
Hi Matt,
I took a different view of this commercial. I saw this commercial as Mellencamp pointing out that this is "our country" (i.e. belonging to Democrats). My thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of the Republican party during this difficult time!
Miss you,
You would.
-mysterious blogger
PS - I love you MJ...
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