The bachelor party was a great time, due to the fine planning of my best man. The day began with a little golf accompanied by a friendly wager,

followed by some great Chinese cuisine (my favorite),

and ended with a limo bus extravaganza. We had 14 guys on the limo bus, which we had from 9 pm - 3 am. We took advantage of all six hours. Here was the result at the end of the night.

If I can get serious for a moment sans the beer case hat, this was one of the best days of my life. Spending the day with 15 of my closest friends (Dad, bro-in-law included), was truly a wonderful feeling. Some came from as close as a half mile, some came from over 2,000 miles away. I think that says it all.
Special thanks to all who came, and a very special thanks to Rob for putting so much thought and planning into making this day unlike any other.